_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_( )_ _( )_ _( )_ _( )_ _( )_ _( )_ _( )_ _( )_ _( )_ _( )_ _( )_ _( )_
(_ o _)(_ o _)(_ o _)(_ o _)(_ o _)(_ o _)(_ o _)(_ o _)(_ o _)(_ o _)(_ o _)(_ o _)
(_,_) (_,_) (_,_) (_,_) (_,_) (_,_) (_,_) (_,_) (_,_) (_,_) (_,_) (_,_)
_ _
_( )_ _( )_
(_ o _) _ _ _ _ _ _ (_ o _)
(_,_) | (_) | | | | | | | (_,_)
_ _ __ ___ _ _ | |_| | _____ | |__ _ _| |_| |_ ___ _ __ _
_( )_ | '_ ` _ \| | | | | | | |/ / _ \ | '_ \| | | | __| __/ _ \| '_ \ _( )_
(_ o _) | | | | | | |_| | | | | < __/ | |_) | |_| | |_| || (_) | | | | (_ o _)
(_,_) |_| |_| |_|\__, | |_|_|_|\_\___| |_.__/ \__,_|\__|\__\___/|_| |_| (_,_)
_ __/ | _
_( )_ |___/ _( )_
(_ o _) (_ o _)
(_,_) (_,_)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_( )_ _( )_ _( )_ _( )_ _( )_ _( )_ _( )_ _( )_ _( )_ _( )_ _( )_ _( )_
(_ o _)(_ o _)(_ o _)(_ o _)(_ o _)(_ o _)(_ o _)(_ o _)(_ o _)(_ o _)(_ o _)(_ o _)
(_,_) (_,_) (_,_) (_,_) (_,_) (_,_) (_,_) (_,_) (_,_) (_,_) (_,_) (_,_)
=== This is a simple script that uses Google Form and Google Sheet to create a functional "like button". Feel free to use it as you want & style it as you like. ===
=== Cobbled together by Fritzi (https://bohemiansultriness.nekoweb.org) Please don't remove the credits! ===
### Compatibility Note ###
This script will only work on sites with a non-strict content policy, such as Nekoweb. Sites that enforce strict Content Security Policies (CSP) may block this type of form submission due to restrictions on where forms can send data.
### Instructions for Obtaining Google Form Field IDs, Google Form ID and Google Sheet ID ###
1. **Create a Google Form**:
- Go to Google Forms and create your form with the required two "short answer" fields.
- For example: "emoji" and "page".
2. **Get Field IDs**:
- Click on the three dots (More) in the top right corner.
- Select "Get pre-filled link."
- Fill out the form fields with sample data and click "Submit."
- Copy the URL from the resulting page.
3. **Dissect the URL**:
- The URL will look something like this:
- The part after `entry.` (e.g., `entry.123456789`) is your field ID. You will need to replace `entry.placeholder1`, `entry.placeholder2`in your HTML with these IDs.
4. **Get Google Form ID**:
- The Google Form ID is found in the URL of your form when you are editing it.
- It appears between `/d/e/` and `/viewform` in the URL.
- For example, in `https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/placeholder-formABC1234567890/viewform`, `placeholder-formABC1234567890` is your Google Form ID.
- Replace `placeholder-formABC1234567890` in your JavaScript with this ID.
5. **Change Access**:
- In your Google Form press "share" and change general access to "anyone with link".
6. **Create a Google Sheet**:
- In the Google Form navigate to the "response" tab and click on "create spreadsheet".
- In the Google Sheet press "share" and change general access to "anyone with link".
7. **Get Google Sheet ID**:
- The Google Sheet ID is found in the URL of your form when you are editing it.
- It appears between `/d/` and `/edit` in the URL.
- For example, in `https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/placeholder-sheetABC1234567890/edit?usp=sharing`, `placeholder-sheetABC1234567890` is your Google Sheet ID.
- Replace `placeholder-sheetABC1234567890` in your JavaScript with this ID.
8. **Styling**:
- Style the .mylikebutton classes below however you like.
- Fin 'popup.textContent = "Thank you very much, you've liked this page!";' and replace it with whatever message you like.
9. **Implementing the Like Button**:
- In your HTML file add
to display the 'like button'
- You can choose whatever icon or image you like; ♡ is just an example.
- Make sure the 'like button' is within a with a unique id.
- link this script at the end of your document within the tag like so:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
const likeButtonElements = document.querySelectorAll('.mylikebutton');
if (likeButtonElements.length === 0) return;
// Get the current page path (use 'home' for root or index pages)
const currentPath = window.location.pathname;
const pagePath = currentPath === '/' || currentPath.endsWith('index.html')
? 'home'
: currentPath.replace(/^\/|\/$/g, ''); // Remove leading/trailing slashes
// Add styles for the like button container, counter, and popup
const style = document.createElement('style');
style.textContent = `
.mylikebutton-container {
display: block;
text-align: right;
margin-bottom: 10px;
cursor: pointer;
.mylikebutton {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
.mylikebutton-counter {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
margin-left: 2px;
font-size: 0.8em;
color: #000;
.mylikebutton-popup {
display: none;
position: fixed;
z-index: 9999;
max-width: 300px;
padding: 8px;
background: #fff;
border: 1px solid #000;
font: 12px "Courier", monospace;
color: #000;
pointer-events: none;
// Create a popup element for feedback messages
const popup = document.createElement('div');
popup.className = 'mylikebutton-popup';
// Google Form and Sheet details
const GOOGLE_FORM_ID = "placeholder-formABC1234567890";
const EMOJI_ENTRY_ID = "entry.placeholder1"; // Entry ID for emoji field
const PAGE_ENTRY_ID = "entry.placeholder2"; // Entry ID for page path field
const SECTION_ENTRY_ID = "entry.placeholder3"; // Entry ID for section identifier
const GOOGLE_SHEET_ID = "placeholder-sheetABC1234567890";
const GOOGLE_SHEET_URL = `https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/${GOOGLE_SHEET_ID}/export?format=csv`;
const GOOGLE_FORM_URL = `https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/${GOOGLE_FORM_ID}/formResponse`;
// Fetch like counts for the current page and sections from Google Sheet
async function fetchLikeCounts() {
try {
const response = await fetch(GOOGLE_SHEET_URL);
const data = await response.text();
// Split CSV data into rows
const rows = data.split('\n').slice(1); // Skip header row
// Count rows that match the current page path and section
const counts = {};
rows.forEach(row => {
const [, , path, section] = row.split(',');
if (path === pagePath) {
counts[section] = (counts[section] || 0) + 1;
return counts; // Return the counts of likes for this page and sections
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching like counts:", error);
return {}; // Default to empty object on error
likeButtonElements.forEach(async function (likeButtonElement) {
const sectionId = likeButtonElement.closest('section').id || 'default';
let likeCounts = await fetchLikeCounts();
let sectionLikes = likeCounts[sectionId] || 0;
// Create a container for the button and counter
const container = document.createElement('div');
container.className = 'mylikebutton-container';
container.setAttribute('role', 'button');
container.setAttribute('aria-label', 'Click to like!');
likeButtonElement.parentNode.insertBefore(container, likeButtonElement);
// Create and append a counter display element
const counterDisplay = document.createElement('span');
counterDisplay.className = 'mylikebutton-counter';
counterDisplay.textContent = `(${sectionLikes})`;
// Handle click events on the button container
container.addEventListener('click', async function (event) {
sectionLikes++; // Increment local like count immediately for feedback
counterDisplay.textContent = `(${sectionLikes})`;
try {
// Prepare form data with emoji, page path, and section identifier
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append(EMOJI_ENTRY_ID, likeButtonElement.textContent);
formData.append(PAGE_ENTRY_ID, pagePath);
formData.append(SECTION_ENTRY_ID, sectionId);
await fetch(GOOGLE_FORM_URL, {
method: 'POST',
mode: 'no-cors',
body: formData,
// Show a feedback popup near the click location
popup.textContent = "Thank you very much, you've liked this section!";
popup.style.display = 'block';
const popupRect = popup.getBoundingClientRect();
let left = event.clientX + 10;
let top = event.clientY + 10;
if (left + popupRect.width > window.innerWidth) {
left = window.innerWidth - popupRect.width - 10;
if (top + popupRect.height > window.innerHeight) {
top = window.innerHeight - popupRect.height - 10;
popup.style.left = `${left}px`;
popup.style.top = `${top}px`;
setTimeout(function () {
popup.style.display = 'none';
}, 3000);
// Refetch updated like counts from Google Sheet after submission
likeCounts = await fetchLikeCounts();
sectionLikes = likeCounts[sectionId] || 0;
counterDisplay.textContent = `(${sectionLikes})`;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error submitting like to Google Form:", error);
alert("Something went wrong. Please try again.");